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Spelling at the Cliffs Thematic Poster

Spelling at the Cliffs Thematic Poster


Visual learning with the Alphabet Harbor stories brings phonics, spelling, and vocabulary to life


  • Product Info

    More than a colorful thematic poster, Spelling at the Cliffs covers the alphabetic principle of 25,000 words. All kids love stories and the Alphabet Harbor stories, featuring the Harbor Friends, illustrate how letters stand together to form words. This significantly contributes to successful learning.

  • How it Works

    Using the Teacher’s Edition, read the Alphabet Harbor stories provided in the lesson plans. It's that easy!
    The Spelling at the Cliffs poster illustrates several stories and alphabetic principles.

  • Product Specs

    Two Sizes:  24 x 36 and 18 x 24
    Made of sturdy corrugated board, the poster is easy to store and should last 3-4 years. 
    Opposite side can feature another thematic poster, saving classroom space.
    Printed in the USA

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